Do you require retail security services?
Tailored retail security solutions
With Clients ranging from high end jewellers and boutique retailers to department stores, we understand that loss prevention is the highest priority for any business operating in the retail sector. Our extensive, first-hand experience in retail means we have extensive insight and a specialist understanding, of how to craft and deliver bespoke retail security solutions. Our tailored solutions are carefully and strategically designed to overcome the many unique challenges this sector faces.
We understand that the retail industry is diverse, and that even within the same organisation, requirements may differ from store to store. We always take an individual approach to each service we deliver. It is not only this aspect that sets us apart. We also recognise the importance of excellent customer service and have built quick response times into our standard offering.
With our dedicated operations team just the touch of a button away and ready to give support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our retail clients have confidence that we always have their security needs covered.
Delivering a superior service
Risk assessment plays a crucial role in creating a security solution that perfectly matches your needs. Our retail management team will conduct an initial assessment as standard, helping us to establish where your weaknesses lie. Using this knowledge, we’re able to provide a suitable security package for your retail business.
To complement the assessment, we only ever provide extensively trained and experienced security officers that have a thorough knowledge of:
- Customer service
- Conflict Management
- Emergency procedures
- ASCONE (approach, selection, concealment, observation, non-payment, exit)
- Counter-terrorism
Complementing your business
While loss prevention is our main aim, we are well aware that our security officers are representing your company and act as a point of contact for your customers. First impressions are vital and this is reflected in our security officer’s conduct.
You can expect all of our loss prevention security officers to be highly skilled and experienced in customer service. With a courteous, friendly and efficient approach, they will help to put consumers at ease while still performing safeguarding duties. Our officers will complement your public image with a truly professional level of service.
Extending our dedication to customer service, each security officer is carefully selected for every job and uniformed to reflect the style, culture, and environment of your retail business. They’ll act as part of your team, not only providing a visual security presence but assuming the role of a customer service representative too.